Bolmimerie: Seven Harp Ensemble
Bolmimerie: Seven Harp Ensemble
Recorded by the Seven Harp Ensemble in 2010
Tall Poppies: TP 204
Harpists: Alice Giles, Ingrid Bauer, Liena Lacey, Genevieve Lang, Hilary Manning, Tegan Peemoeller, Laura Tanata
The Seven Harp Ensemble, Directed by Alice Giles, plays music by Carlos Salzedo, Ross Edwards, Andrew Schultz, Sharon Calcraft, Martin Wesley-Smith, J.S. Bach, Ernesto Lecuona, Alfredo Rolando Ortiz. The CD title work Bolminierie by Salzedo was originally written as a pantomime for the dancer Olaf Bolm, and features many innovative extended techniques.
*Includes world premiere recordings
Track listing:
SALZEDO - Bolmimerie*
EDWARDS - Arafura Arioso*
SCHULTZ - The Meaning of Water*
CALCRAFT - Sevenfold Amen*
WESLEY-SMITH - Alice in the Garden of Live Flowers*
WESLEY-SMITH - Seven Widows at the Gates of Sugamo
BACH - Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring
LECUONA - Malagueña
ORTIZ - Venezolana
ANON. - Pavane
The harp is the most captivating and irresistible of instruments. Imagine then, seven harps playing together in heavenly consort! The visual beauty of the harp and the graceful gestures of the harpists combine with the enchanting sound of this ancient instrument to transport the listener away from the everyday.
SHE’s mission is to introduce Australian audiences to the harp as an ensemble instrument, promoting and supporting quality comtemporary Australian music through performing and commissioning new works. This exciting and enchanting ensemble performs a diverse repertoire - from works which are daring and progressive in their use of the seven harps, to audience favourites which are bound to captivate and delight.
Alice Giles - Artistic Director