Phoenix Angel Project
Culmination of a grant from Judith Neilsen of the Phoenix Foundation to explore ways to extend the possibilities of the contemporary harp, this dramatic, immersive program features multiple harps (pedal, lever and electro-acoustic), in works by Mary Doumany: Harp Body Her Body, Sharon Calcraft: Peregrinatio; Jon Drummond: Helix Sequencing. A poetic-theatrical combination of music, lighting and choreography it celebrates the essential nature of this ancient, multi-faceted, mystical instrument, with lighting created by designer Sam Whiteside.
Program including Program notes
Carousel photos below: Photographer Billy Zimmit, Phoenix Central Park
Peregrinatio - sharon calcraft
First performance Phoenix Central Park 3rd March 2022; Video Recording Phoenix Central Park 4th March 2022.
Harp body her body - mary doumany
First performance Phoenix Central Park 3rd March 2022; Video Recording Phoenix Central Park 4th March 2022.